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Hire With Konexi

Indonesia's most deeply vetted contractors, matched by AI

Find the best remote contractors for your hiring needs with Konexi's AI-powered Talent Cloud. We help you source, vet, match, and engage top talent from Indonesia.
A new era of recruiting

Traditional recruiting agencies, headhunters, and marketplaces are not equipped to handle the demands of a software-driven world.

Long Recruitment Timeline
Trivial Vetting Process
Low Quality Talent Pool

Konexi's AI-based Talent Cloud

Seamlessly scale your team or create a new one by tapping into our vast Indonesian talent network
Discover the perfect candidates for your team through our in-depth AI-driven vetting process
Konexi uses AI and a vast Indonesian network to deliver the ideal remote workers for your needs
Konexi uses AI and a vast Indonesian network to deliver the ideal remote workers
Extensive & Tailored Matching
  • Role
  • Working Hours
  • Technical Skills

Talent services you can trust

Inter-City Sourcing
Layered Vetting
Comprehensive Matching
Easy Payment
Cost-Effective Talent
For all of our talent
  • Work Commitment
  • Work Day Overlap
    4 hours
Why businesses choose Konexi


fill positions in 4 days or less.

Time Saved


your teams time by saving 50 hours of interviewing
for every worker.



near-perfect engagement success rate.

Konexi has attracted thousands of workers from Indonesia to submit applications


of Roles


of Technologies


levels of experience


Konexi helps top Indonesian contractors seek long-term career growth, not just short-term projects.

Lifetime eligibility after initial vetting
Achieve success as a contractor with our exclusive Konexi support
Experience income predictability thanks to our commitment to rematching

Hire Remote Talents

We'll find the perfect hire for your needs in days - just tell us the skills you need